ON TIME Transport
Kaai ON TIME kaaidiensten
Gas measurements
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Physical verification
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Quay solutions from A to Z

The quay forwarders of ON TIME Logistics carry out your quay assignments with the utmost care. Whether you want a physical check including gas measurement or a delivery on an inland vessel: you can leave it to us.

We settle Customs formalities on location in Antwerp, Zeebrugge, Ghent or elsewhere in Belgium. We represent your interests and report on the spot. You can closely monitor us via our website with track & trace and a photo report of each physical verification. Transparent, fast and efficient.

As reliable quay forwarders, we ensure the correct follow-up of all your quay assignments.

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What can you use our quay services for? Here are a few examples:

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The quay service of ON TIME Logistics offers many advantages:

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Do you have another question about our Quay service?

Contact ON TIME today to discuss your needs.

More information about our quay services

Easy to book online, along with your other assignments. You receive the report immediately without any lost time.

We have a partnership with Atmosafe in Antwerp and SGS in Zeebrugge.


Your cargo is subject to Customs checks? No problem! We follow up the physical verification and make sure that everything goes quickly, transparently and efficiently.

  • Inventory sampling
  • Presentation of documents to Customs / FAVV / other official bodies
  • Resealing of containers
  • Checks on seagoing vessels
  • Checking the condition of food and other containers

Having your customs documents presented and validated at the appropriate Customs office.

A EUR1, ATR, Form A, AGD, transit document, Flegt document, FYTO, export licence, INF 1-7, ATA Carnet, Carnet TIR, Carnet de passage, supervision form… whatever it is, we pick it up and ensure proper handling by the services concerned.

We pay daily visits to the first office (Antwerp, Ghent, Mechelen, Brussels), the border inspection posts (BIPs), FAVV, Moto-teams, quay customs… Leave your documents with us and rest assured that they will be processed quickly and efficiently.

You can use us for a wide range of assignments:

  • Processing Institute for Veterinary Inspection (IVK) documents
  • Acting as an intermediary at veterinarians – transporter – customer
  • Delivering/picking up documents to/on lighters
  • Emptying your mailboxes at Customs (e.g. first office)
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Do you have a question about our other services?

Contact ON TIME today to discuss your needs.