ON TIME Transport

Ship-from-Store’ sustainable and faster deliveries

Smart logistics: from local orders to local deliveries

Why should online orders be prepared in a warehouse (abroad) and then delivered to consumers in the city? While the same products may also be available in the local shop.

Here is a good example of how things can be done differently:

Together with Storeshippers, ON TIME Logistics provides a sustainable logistics solution for an international chain that sells care products.

When a consumer places an online order, the system checks whether the goods are available in a shop of the chain nearby. If this is the case, the package is prepared in the shop. Around 5 p.m. ON TIME courier picks up the parcels and delivers them to the consumer before 8 p.m. the same evening. If the product is unavailable, or there is no shop nearby, the delivery is still prepared and sent centrally.

An additional advantage of this way of distribution is that savings can be made on packaging. The goods do not have to pass through different automated sorting installations. The packaging therefore has to protect less against compressions and conveyor belt transitions. In a distribution from shop to consumer, goods can be packaged in a bag. Good for the environment and for the wallet.

On top of that, transport in the city centres is done in a sustainable way with cargo bicycles and CNG cars.

That is what we call smart logistics, and the e-commerce logistics of the future. After all, fewer kilometres are driven, the kilometres driven are sustainable and in many cases the consumer has faster delivery. Moreover, this is how we support our local economy.

Are you also looking for solutions for smart distribution? Then contact us quickly and discover all local and international logistics solutions for every type of business.

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